What the Periwink Community Says

Sucking it Up & Suffering through Mid Life is a Huge Mistake that has long-term health consequences.

Are your favorite jeans too tight? Has your sleep gone to hell? Are you on an emotional rollercoaster? Maybe you've noticed the things that used to work just don't anymore? 

The truth is that 85% of women in their 40s & 50s suffer with symptoms related to hormonal change, yet only 5% of them get help. Many women don't even realize they actually have a choice. Maybe you have tried to get help only to be dismissed?

 There is no excuse for the lack of support women receive in this stage of life. That's why I created Periwink & that is why I am so passionate about helping you look & feel your best now to create deep health for your future. BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT DONE!


PERIWINK is personalized Coaching and Community for GenX Women


  • 3 half-hour GROUP STRENGTH WORKOUTS per week
  • In app or Live Virtual - your choice
  • Balance, Strength, Posture & Mobility


  • Mindset coaching
  • Customized MEAL PLAN
  • Shopping List
  • A new relationship with food that works for you


  • Weekly content on optimizing for your CHANGE
  • Create the Future you want
  • Giggle with GenX humor and inspiration


  • Connect with women who share & celebrate your journey
  • Live Weekly Group COACHING CALLS
  • Workout together
  • Book Club


Dominque Cocuzza

Dominique is a Personal Trainer & Specialized Coach for Mid Life Women. In her 40s, she broke National and State records in strength sports. She applies her expertise in Olympic & Power Lifting, Kettlebells, Perinatal Strength & more to coach women age 13-85. 

As a Boy Mom of two in perimenopause, Dominique understands what is needed in the various stages of a woman’s life. Using lifestyle & mindset practices, she’s had long-term success managing her own autoimmune condition, celiac disease, Lyme & hormonal imbalances. Through her personal experiences she has learned how to motivate her clients to push though limitations & manifest their true potential.

"She has really helped me to stay sane through perimenopause."

Jodie, Virginia

"Dominique is one of those people who lives and breathes what she teaches others. She has really helped me to stay sane through perimenopause. Her knowledge of diet, lifestyle & exercise that supports my journey has been priceless. She’s a woman’s woman... someone that you know is never judging, only supporting and meeting you exactly where you are. She helps from an honest and caring place. Dominique is the real deal."

"I am starting to feel like myself again for the first time in 4 years."

Elizabeth Joseph, England

"I have been in Periwink for just over a month and I am amazed at the results I can already see and feel. I have lost weight and toned up incredibly. My stomach and upper arms which I had accepted were forever going to be wobbly have amazing definition and all my clothes sit more comfortably than they have in a long time.

More than this, I am starting to feel like myself again for the first time in 4 years. I stumbled into perimenopause and it was a long time before I realized exactly where I was. Working with Dominique, I have a greater understanding of what is going on and why. The fitness and nutrition program have meant that for the first time in 4 years I have energy and real enthusiasm for what is happening in my life and a new found confidence in the future."

 "I feel better than I have felt in a long time."

Laura, Virginia USA

"I am so thankful to have met Dominique and joined Periwink. Through a combination of an anti- inflammatory eating plan and targeted workouts, I feel better than I have felt in a long time. Working with her is also just so fun. I have learned so much. The workouts are effective and the food is delicious. It’s like having a wellness advocate in your corner."